Heart Attack Symptoms and Warning Signs

Common symptoms and warning signs of a heart attackWhen a heart attack occurs there are two types of occurrences. The first is a sudden painful and profound feeling in your chest. The other more common type of heart attacks is the kind that starts gradually with mild discomfort and pain. Often time’s people who are suffering from this type of heart attack are not sure what is happening and wait too long before getting help. Below are some warning signs that a heart attack is occurring:

Chest discomfort.
Chest discomfort is the most common symptom of a heart attack. The discomfort often is centered in the middle of the chest and will last a few minutes. This feeling will often last the entirety of the heart attack or will dissipated and return moments later. The chest discomfort will have feel of uncomfortable pressure, fullness, squeezing or pain.

Discomfort in the upper body.

Symptoms can also include a painful felling in your arms, neckline, jaw, back, or stomach.

Shortness of breath
Another warning sign to a heart attack maybe a shortness of breath. This shortness of breath can be accompanied by chest discomfort.

Other signs of a heart attack may include a cold sweat, vomiting, dizziness or a headache.

When a heart attack occurs every minute counts! The difference between life and death can be five minutes. If you are unsure of a heart attack consult with your doctor, or call 911

Dialing 9-1-1 is the fastest way to receive lifesaving treatment. Paramedics can arrive up to an hour faster than driving to a hospital by a loved one. Not only can paramedics arrive faster, they can provide lifesaving treatment in case of emergency.

In any case, if you are having more than one symptom of a heart attack do not attempt to drive to the hospital alone unless it is your absolute last option.

More Information about Heart Attack and Stroke Screenings

Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer

Warning Signs of Prostate CancerProstate cancer is the abnormal growth of cells in a man's prostate gland. It occurs when cells of the prostate mutate and begin to multiply out of control. Prostate cancer is common in men older than 65. It usually grows slowly and can take years to grow large enough to cause any problems. Most cases are treatable, because they are found with screening tests before the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Knowing what are the symptoms of prostate cancer is important because it helps reduce risks.

Most men do not know they even have prostate cancer because it usually does not cause symptoms in the early stages. Prostate cancer may cause pain, difficulty in urinating, problems during sexual intercourse, erectile dysfunction and other symptoms. However those symptoms are present only in an advanced stage of the disease. Here are the main symptoms and if you have one or more of these symptoms then you should see the doctor just in case.

- Having a weaker than normal urine stream
- Having trouble starting your urine stream
- Having to urinate very often
- Having to get up at night to urinate
- Feeling that your bladder is not completely empty when you urinate
- Having burning or pain when you urinate
- Unable to urinate at all

Advanced prostate cancer can spread to other parts of the body and this may cause additional symptoms. The most common symptom is bone pain, often in the vertebrae (bones of the spine), pelvis or ribs. Prostate cancer in the spine can also compress the spinal cord, causing leg weakness and urinary and fecal incontinence.

Experts don't know what causes prostate cancer, but they believe that your age, genetics, and race affect your chances of getting it. What you eat, such as foods high in fats, may also play a part.

Warning signs you may be a diabetic

Warning signs you may be a diabeticThere are many signs of being a diabetic. These signs usually help us to prevent diabetes before time. It is very important to discuss about the various forms of diabetes before discussing about the different signs of diabetes, there are three types of diabetes. They are Type 1 or juvenile diabetes, Type 2 and Gestational diabetes. Lack of insulin production, ineffective insulin or insulin resistance causes these diseases.

There are various symptoms that can be helpful for our body to detect this extremely grave disorder. These symptoms develop slowly in the case of type 2 disorders.

Hunger and thirst: You feel extremely hungry and thirsty throughout the day before the advent of diabetes. Although you drink lots of water and eat excess food, your cravings keep on increasing. If you notice this type of problems in your body, you should definitely consult a doctor and get a blood test done.

Weight loss: You may also observe a sudden weight loss in your body. They may be the signs of being a diabetic.

Hazy vision: Haziness in your vision can be a sign of high blood sugar in your body. Usually in case of type 1 diabetes.

Urination: You feel like urinating more and more in this case. The constant tendency may be the sign of high blood sugar in your body.

If you feel you are at risk for diabetes this diabetes risk test.